Terminalia Chebula
herbal medicine with anti-inflammatory properties

Active ingredient

Terminalia Chebula

Terminalia chebula also known as Haritaki is a species of ornamental tree of the Combretaceae family that is native in the Middle East and in tropical regions such as India, China or Thailand. It is called the ‘King of Medicine’ in Tibet and is considered a sacred medicinal plant because of its extraordinary power of healing. The fruits, the roots and the bark of this tree are used for medicinal purposes.

The fruit of the Terminalia chebula tree possesses unique health benefits used in a wide range of traditional remedies against various human illnesses. Haritaki has potent laxative, astringent (causes the contraction of body tissues), purgative, anti-bilious and antioxidant properties. The taste of Haritaki fruits can vary from sweet to sour or bitter.

Terminalia Chebula - Pentru articulații - ArtroDinamic ProHumano+

Uses as natural remedy

Terminalia chebula is rich in glucosides, chebulinic acid (coumarins with gallic acid), phenolic compounds such as chebulagic acid and ellagic acid with antioxidant properties.

The whole plant possesses high medicinal value and is used for lowering the cholesterol level and as digestive aid.

Dried Haritaki fruit (Terminalia chebula) is most commonly used in powder form. The obtained paste has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects and is known to accelerate wound healing.

A decoction of Terminalia chebula fruit powder in water is used as herbal remedy for allergies, hives or dermatitis.

Other names

Amandier Indien, Amandier Tropical, Indian Almond, Indian gall nut, Indian gallnut, Indradru, Ink nut, Jangalii harro, Kadukka, Kadukkai, Haritaki, Myrobolan Chébule, Myrobalanenbaum, Nadisraja, Partha, Pathya, Rispiger, Terminalia arjuna, Terminalia bellirica, Terminalia chebulic, Thuulo harro, Tropical Almond, Black Myrobalan, Ink Tree, Chebulic Myrobalan.

ProHumano+ products containing Terminalia Chebula

ArtroDinamic supports cartilage regeneration
ProHumano+ ArtroDinamic stimulates cartilage regeneration

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Joint pain
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Information source:

Quantitative Research, 2014, urban population over 35 years old, Romania.

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ArtroDinamic supports cartilage regeneration